Svinesund to Soner (Smaalehnenes Amt)

Kart over Smaalehnenes Amt – N. Ramm og G. Munthe (1826)
(Source: Kartverket / Edits and colors: Y.Haugen 2020)
Klick for large scale version of the map
Svinesund to Soner (Smaalehnenes Amt)
Kart over Smaalehnenes Amt – N. Ramm og G. Munthe (1826)
(Source: Kartverket / Edits and colors: Y.Haugen 2020)
Klick for large scale version of the map
The inn Anne admires on entrering Norway, Søylegården, is said to have been set up in 1726; In 1830 the building was expanded with the west wing, second floor and “half-pitched” roof . The old east wing was expanded in 1840, and stands like that to this very day.
Continue reading Svinesund and Søylegården (the Norway side Inn)Sunday 28. July. (3.30 – 8.30)
Svinesund, Søylegården
The neat good looking inn on the Norway side is likely Søylegården, that still stands today.
Read more about Svinesund and Søylegården
The ferry at Svinesund Norway side
(ca 1800 by J.W. Edy)
Detailed map of route from Svinesund to Soner [Såner]
Smaalehnenes Amt, Ramm & Munthe (1826)
Westgaard (and Helle)
A quite lovely handpainted map from 1804 (source: kartverket) shows both Helle (“supprimée”) and Westgaard not far from Svinesund.
(see bigger version on this page)
Pork Pancakes
‘Fleskepannekake’ is a pancake fried together with diced salty bacon. Today it’s often eaten with either syrup or a blueberry jam on top…
get the recipe
“Handbook says we may go by Helle or Westgaard -“
Anne Lister mentions, while in Sweden, buying a little Norway road book (1829) and later writes to Mariana to “buy the ‘Handbook for Northern Europe‘, published by Murray last summer” (i.e. 1838) if she would “wish to pursue us more minutely thro’ our wanderings” (Letter to Mariana Lawton, Moscow November 18, 1839)