Places in Christiania that Anne mentions while there. (Map from 1840 by unknown – edited by Y.Haugen) Click for bigger version
1) Hotel du Nord (Anne and Ann’s hotel in Christiania) 2) Akershus festning /castle 3) J. Dahl (bookshop) 4) J.W. Cappelen (bookshop) 5) University (Nat. history et al.) – Zoology collection (the birds) – “1 1/2 hour there seeing the birds” – Musée of Northern antiquities 6) P. J. Hoppe’s bookshop – “Then to Hoppe’s for pencils English for Ann” 7) Cathedral (Domkirken) 8) Grûnings Løkke 9) Royal Palace 10) Guldberg & Dzwonkowski 11) Botanic Garden
View from Ekeberg. Botanic garden to the right (Peder Andersen Balke, early 1820s).
Mr Jägeris likely MrGeorg Henrich Jæger (from the city of Arendal) – an agent at Guldberg & Dzwonkowski’s
Kallevig M.D. could be Harald Kallevig, born in Arendal 15.04.1812, graduated (embetsexamen) in medicin 03.06.1835 (laud), noted in the listings at University of Oslo as “Død som Reservelæge paa Rigshospitalet” (“deceased senior registrar consultant (or senior resident attending physician) at Rigshospitalet”)
Mr Smith, their guide on the Norway trip as recommended from Guldberg & Vonkowski’s, by Jæger. He is likely Axel Christian Rosenkrantz Smith (1813–1876). Both Jæger and Smith are from the city Arendal south in Norway.
John is John Vanderholm, hired when in Sweden intended to be guide in Norway. But seemingly left behind in Christiania due to his bad foot.
(John Johnson is likely John Vanderholm , the mixup could be caused by resent dealings with a Poul Poulson, valet du place at Hotel du Nord.)
Anne had extensive knowledge of botany and seemed to always visit a city’s botanic garden on her travels. Christiania no exception and she noted a whole list of plants that she found interesting. Read moreabout the botanic gardens of Christiania and Anne’s reflections on some of its contents.
The Great Ballroom at the Royal Palace today. Architect: Hans Ditlev Franciscus Linstow (1787-1851) (Work on the interiors began in 1838 and were finished in the 1840s)
Torvet – the main square or market is just a couple of blocks from Hotel du Nord, where Anne and Ann stayed when in Christiania. The cathedral is situated at one end of the market, and Hoppe’s is right nearby. Read more about Torvet.
Map of Christiania (Oslo)
Points of interest Map of Christiania from 1840 by unknown artist. Edited to highight the spots of interest from Anne’s travel journal