Fun Fact
That “old thing found (…) in the clay of the laundy court at Shibden…”.

August 2. 1839 Anne refers to a thing that was found at shibden. A journal entry on April 11, 1837 refers to more detail of the object, that is likely the one pictured here.
Read more about the old entry and the artifact…

Professor at the Musee of Northern Antiquites, would be Professor Rudolf Keyser. On 6. February, 1818 according to a University protocol: ”a room in the university building (corner of Prindsens gade and Kongens gade) should be dedicated to the antiquities“, and one should begin gathering some of the existing collections into the University Collection of Antiquities (Samling af Oldsager). In 1829 Professor Rudolf Keyser greeted the museum’s first visitors. Read moore…
- Gruning would be Andreas Grüning (1785-1842) German born Norwegian banker, merchant and consule general for Hamburg. More about Grüning
- Smith was their guide on the Norway trip, and came recommended from Guldberg & Vonkowski’s, by Jæger. He is likely Axel Christian Rosenkrantz Smith (1813–1876). Both Jæger and Smith are from the city Arendal south in Norway.