Christiania map & places of interest

Places in Christiania that Anne mentions while there.
(Map from 1840 by unknown – edited by Y.Haugen)
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1) Hotel du Nord (Anne and Ann’s hotel in Christiania)
2) Akershus festning /castle
3) J. Dahl (bookshop)
4) J.W. Cappelen (bookshop)
5) University (Nat. history et al.)
– Zoology collection (the birds) – “1 1/2 hour there seeing the birds”
Musée of Northern antiquities
6) P. J. Hoppe’s bookshop“Then to Hoppe’s for pencils English for Ann”
7) Cathedral (Domkirken)
8) Grûnings Løkke
Royal Palace
10) Guldberg & Dzwonkowski
11) Botanic Garden

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