at Moenseter at 7.57 – Sæter or stol or house where the cattle is – Ladebarn and the doorway and middle of the barn were one puts carriage is called Love Stald, stable and for cows and betaille Fjös (fiuse) walked about ate our rice-cake and had cold fresh milk and butter –
Anne Lister, travel journal 5. aug. 1839

Today you can find a farm on a spot called Moen that lies just off the road that leads to Bolkesjø, pretty much where it is marked on the old map. Moenseter, after all means the farm or dwelling (sæter, seter) at Moen, so it is likely it.
However, I did find some really cool photos from the only place in the area actually called Moenseter, or rather Moensetra (just not dotted onto the map, so I really cannot be sure if these are actually the exact buildings or just some other buildings nearby). The following photos are posted at the website of local history group Flesberg Historielag: visit:

Front line from the left: Ole H. Bråta (Lillemoen) (1848-1935); Ole Moen (1846-1925); Anne Moen, later Støvern (1907-97); Betzy Moen, later Nysether (1897-1958) Back line from left: Gullik Fønseth (in a white headscarf) (1884-1918); Paul Kristian K. Moen, Laura Moen (1903-30 ); Aagot Bakken later Ballangrud (1901-1967)

[betail = livetock/storfe]